Letter from the President's Office - New Delhi appreciating our Trust Secretary Yogananth Andiappan for his newly launched Yoga Coffee Table book " Yoga from the heart" and his sincere contribution to the field of Yoga in India and Abroad.

Her Excellency, The President, Smt. Pratibha Devi
Rastrapathi Bhavan, New Delhi, India

I visited Asana Andiappan college of Yoga. It gives me immense pleasure. Many people are coming from different profession and practicing yoga and enjoying the life. Really he is serving all the people of various age groups. In addition he is using yoga as therapeutic method of curing certain disease. I pray god to give him a long life to serve the people.
Dr. K. Vaithianathan
Vice – Chancellor Tamil Nadu Physical Education & Sports University Chennai, India

The President of India, Scientist Dr.Abdul Kalam releasing the Yoga Video Cd Thirumoolars Ashtanga Yoga by Dr.Asana Andiappan Ph.D. "Delighted to meet Prof. Asana R.Andiappan and his yoga family".
Dr. A.P.J.AbdulKalam
Honorable President of India

We have visited the Yoga Centre of Thiru.Andiappan and are very happy to see the facilities. Having known Thiru.Andiappan since 1975, when I met him in our Ashram in Pondicherry with Yoga Magarishi Dr.Swami Gitananda Giri, I am much pleased to see his growth and development in Yoga and especially the involvement of his whole family in this noble cause. His children have risen to great heights in the Art of Yoga Asanas and are a to the father. We wish the Andiappan Yoga family all spiritual and material success in the noble cause.
Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bavanani
Director,ICYER-Pondicherry Member,Financial Committee,CCRYN

I have visited the Dr. Asana Andiappan Yoga Centre and saw the activities run by the centre like yoga classes, Natural diet consultation to the patients especially suffering from Asthma, Arthritis Abdominal discomforts Diabetes , Obesity, kidney problems etc., ODP IPD Facilities are there and the physicians staff are working with full devotion.
This type Centres are much beneficial to provide preventive aspects and positive health by promoting the capability of body and mind both.I hope this centre will serve more and more people suffering from common ailments and above mentioned heath problems and can better health status of the people.
This type Centres are much beneficial to provide preventive aspects and positive health by promoting the capability of body and mind both.I hope this centre will serve more and more people suffering from common ailments and above mentioned heath problems and can better health status of the people.
Director, Central Research council for Yoga & Naturopathy. New Delhi.

I wish Guruji Asana Andiappan a good health and long life. Yoga has changed my life and thank you for showing me the path to good health and wellbeing.
Shri. O. Paneerselvam
Honorable Chief Minister of the Tamil Nadu State