Yoga Therapy for Fatigue

Fatigue is generally not easy to define, since everybody has his/her own idea of what being tired means. We are tired once in a while; the most common reason is a lack of sleep. This is particularly so for adults because of irregular sleeping routine.

Fatigue can also be caused by a wide range of illnesses and diseases. A person may find that he/she needs more rest and sleep. It may also affect performance at work. Fatigue is also common when we are feeling down.

Yoga Therapy

Mental and physical fatigue can be lessened by asana practice, which rests the brain and rejuvenates the body and the mind. The practice includes inverted postures like Sirsasana, Viparata Karani and Sarvangasana; forward bending posture such as Padahasthasana, Paschimottanasana, Janu Sisasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana. Backward bending postures like Ustrasana, Chakrasana and Bhujangasana are helpful in relieving mental fatigue, which is the cause of physical dullness and laziness. In addition, twisting posture keeps the spine supple. Pranayama opens the chest and lungs and bring freedom in the diaphragm.

As the breath becomes easier, the body feels light and the mind feels fresh.

Get enough sleep each night and develop a proper sleeping routine. Eat healthy food like fruits and vegetables, early in the evening and avoid caffeine content food. Practise yoga regularly and learn the relaxation techniques. Do not push yourself beyond a limit. Work on achieving work life balance. When you are on your yoga mat, be serene in your mind and bring harmony in your heart.

The whole system of yoga is teaching to be self-centered. That is to say, to be yourself, and to keep your body, mind and the soul in a perfect balance and harmony.